Продажа промышленного
электронного оборудование
и комплектующих
Type: 4, IEC/EN 61496 SIL: 3, IEC 61508 Performance Level (PL): e, EN ISO 13849-1 Category: Up to 4 (depending on the category of the upstream protective device), EN ISO 13849 Number of safety-related switching outputs (OSSDs): 3 Piece(s) Number of SSDs: 1 Piece(s) Safety-related switching output 1: Relay, NO Safety-related switching output 2: Relay, NO Safety-related switching output 3: Relay, NC Connectible safety sensors (AOPDs): Up to 2 AOPDs of type 4, type 3 or up to 4 AOPDs of type 2 Connectible electro-mechanical safety devices: Safety switches, E-Stop command devices, 1 and 2-channel Connection: Screw terminal Dimension: 52.5 mm x 99 mm x 113.6 mm Certifications: T?V S?d Functions: Start/restart interlock (RES), selectable, Dynamic contactor monitoring (EDM), PC diagnostics interface, Sequential muting, Parallel muting, Parallel double muting in two areas, Muting time monitoring (selectable/deselectable), Defective muting indicator warning, “Muting” signal output, Relay switching cycle counter for preventive maintenance, “System error” signal output, sekund?rer Abschaltkontakt (SSD) - Ausgang
53 050 ₽
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